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Mayo, 2005

This edition of the "Research and Advocacy Digest" focuses on the issue of prison rape and sexual coercion behind bars. While hard data on sexual assaults in prison is sparse, most of us in society and within the anti-rape movement know that the rape, torture, brutality and sexual assault of inmates by other inmates and staff are part of the fabric of everyday prison life.


  • Incarcerated Survivors
Noviembre, 2004

The publication is organized into five sections in addition to the appendix:

  • Stakeholder Recruitment
  • Underlying Conditions
  • Needs Assessment
  • Development of the Community Plan
  • Evaluation

Each section consists of a brief overview of the supporting community development concept and a first person narrative from the facilitator of the community development process. It is our hope that information in this...

  • CSA Prevention
Enero, 2004

The purpose of this guide is to help a survivor or guardian of a child survivor understand the advantages and disadvantages of suing the perpetrator or other responsible parties in civil court. It is not legal advice and should not be substituted for the advice of an attorney. Consulting with an attorney can help a survivor determine what laws apply to their situation and what claims they may have against the perpetrator or other parties.

This guide was last updated in 2004, so...

  • Civil Legal System
Mayo, 2003

Prevalence statistics consistently show a high incidence of sexual victimization among people with disabilities. In spite of this fact, people with disabilities are not significantly represented as clientele of traditional sexual assault delivery systems.

This issue of the "Research and Advocacy Digest" provides specific information about sexual violence within various communities of people with disabilities. Furthermore, this digest highlights resources that explore socio-political...

  • Disability
Mayo, 2003

"Is feminism still valid?" is the question that became the basis of this issue of Connections. As we began to contemplate that question it came became clear that the question has always been, "Is feminism valid?" First wave feminism, the women's suffrage movement 1860-1920, was viewed as a radical doctrine, focused on dividing the genders. It was thought to be a construct of white, middle class, heterosexual, educated women. Second wave feminism, the women's liberation movement 1960 - 1982,...

  • Theory & Concepts
Using a Public Health Model
Enero, 2003

Sexual violence can be viewed many ways. Some of the more common perspectives are mental health, criminal justice, medical, social and political. In the 1970’s the anti-rape movement clearly operated from a socio-political analysis of the issue. As service delivery structures were created our analysis expanded to accommodate the collaborations taking place in the criminal justice, mental health and medical systems.

Over the past decade there has been a push to incorporate the public...

  • Theory & Concepts
Linkages to Sexual Assault
Marzo, 2002

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a complex issue. The diagnosis was first acknowledged as a disorder of individuals experiencing the extreme stress of combat situations.

PTSD has now become a term familiar to the general public as well as a common diagnosis. This issue attempts to provide an overview of recent research on PTSD, particularly those aspects most directly related to victims of sexual assault. 


  • Trauma
  • Therapy
Enero, 1999

Community development and social change strategies - something new? As the old song lyric says, "Everything old is new again."

When the state Sexual Assault Prevention Advisory Committee was convened by the Office of Crime Victims Advocacy in 1997 to explore and discuss sexual assault prevention approaches, it was a committee representative of the entire sexual assault prevention community. There were key representatives from the Department of Health, from the Office of the...

  • Strategies
WCSAP Webpage
Mayo, 1015

At WCSAP, we receive a lot of questions from advocates about the "ins and outs" of mandated reporting. Although Washington's law about mandated reporting is pretty straightforward, it can feel much more complex in practice. Here are some quick answers (that do not constitute legal advice) to some of the recent questions we have received on this topic:

Do I need to report sexual abuse of a minor that is not committed by a parent or caregiver? What...
  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Mandated Reporting
Advocacy with Survivors
WCSAP Webpage

One way that we can continue to ensure that our work with survivors continues to build momentum throughout our lifespan is to offer information, resources and support that centers on all the ways survivorship can complicate tending to a survivor’s health or moving through the healthcare system. Annual exams, dentist appointments, abortions, STI testing and childbirth can be triggering and a supportive advocate can make a huge difference.

Advocates can work with survivors to create...

  • Medical Advocacy
External Website

This is the religious education companion series to the curricula Our Whole Lives (OWL). The Sexuality and Our Faith series introduces explicitly UU and UCC material to the sexuality education programs in their congregations. Includes a companion book for each age-appropriate volume of OWL.

  • Curriculums
  • Culturally Specific
  • Healthy Sexuality
External Website

The curriculum focuses on both tribal community members and those working with the community as educators, social workers, judges, etc. Appropriate for both native and non-native audiences. Intended to encourage healthy relationships and the identification of sexual and intimate partner violence.

  • Curriculums
  • Culturally Specific
  • Gender Specific
  • Healthy Relationships
WCSAP Webpage

Over the last few years The White House has taken actions to call attention to the scope of campus sexual violence, provide guidance to schools on how to effectively respond when violence has occurred, improve Title IX enforcement, and prevent campus sexual assault.

The White House and partners have used many avenues such as launching a resource website and large-scale public awareness campaigns to start the conversation in communities. Additionally, The White House worked with the...

  • Campus
  • Schools & Campus
Advocacy Considerations
WCSAP Webpage

Latinx immigrant and refugee survivors have unique advocacy needs. They may have had experiences, such as border crossing or anti-immigrant political rhetoric, that affect their sense of safety and security. It may be more difficult for these survivors to obtain services because of language barriers as well as cultural norms and beliefs. Advocacy efforts must address these barriers to ensure all survivors have access to services. The following information is intended for advocates who work...

  • Latinx
Advocacy Considerations
WCSAP Webpage

What Survivors Face

According to the Washington State Department of Health (2010),

  • 10% of women reported physical, psychological, or sexual abuse by an intimate partner around the time of pregnancy.
  • Nearly 22% of teens (ages 15-19) report experiencing physical, psychological, or sexual abuse around the time of pregnancy.

When a woman has undergone sexual assault, intimate partner violence, or stalking, it may have a profound...

  • Pregnant & Parenting
External Website

This book prepares adults for working with young people by providing a theoretical framework for violence prevention work along with exercises in being effective allies to youth. Workshop guidelines and outlines are included for facilitating discussion and sharing around sensitive topics of oppression, the "isms" — racism, sexism, adultism — as well as gender issues, immigration, religion, ability and access.

  • Curriculums
  • Root Causes
External Website

A bilingual curriculum put together by the Migrant Clinicians Network which lasts 5 two-hour weekly sessions and focuses on preventing intimate partner and sexual violence within migrant communities. This curriculum uses a culturally appropriate, popular education style.

  • Curriculums
  • Bystanders
  • Culturally Specific
  • Gender Specific
  • Healthy Relationships
WCSAP Webpage

Bystander intervention is an essential component in preventing sexual violence. It may be helpful to have conversations with groups in your community about effective intervention, take time to address the fears and concerns that they may have, and also highlight the positive effects bystander intervention has on the community.

  1. What are some reasons that we don't intervene when we see someone harassing or disrespecting another person?
    • Have you ever...
  • Bystanders
External Website

A teaching resource from the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, with activities exploring:

  • relationships,
  • sexual consent,
  • equity and
  • sexual and reproductive health.

Curriculum includes:

  • topic talking points,
  • activities,
  • videos,
  • handouts, and
  • evaluation tools.
  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Sexuality
4th Edition
External Website

Unequal Partners includes 50 lesson plans to help adolescents and young adults learn about and explore the dynamics of both healthy and unhealthy relationships.

A trauma-informed perspective helps participants explore sensitive and critical topics, including:

  • communicating about consent,
  • understanding power dynamics,
  • recognizing warning signs,
  • helping a friend, and
  • analyzing media influences.
  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Sexuality
WCSAP Webpage

The criminal legal system is designed to punish the wrongdoer. This is a process that involves multiple steps that can take up to a year or more to complete.

A police report is made or child/adult protective services report is made. Reports to police are reviewed by detectives. Sometimes they will want more information, other times they will conclude there is enough information. On both occasions they may want to interview the victim....
  • Criminal Justice Process
External Website

Intended to reduce instances of violence among diverse groups of youth by focusing on healthy relationship skills and bystander accountability. Developed and implemented in Los Angeles by Peace Over Violence.

  • Curriculums
  • Bystanders
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Root Causes
External Website

Public awareness campaign created by the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance. Encourages bystanders to intervene when they witness peers in dating or sexual violence situations. The posters address:

  • emotional abuse,
  • jealousy,
  • victim blaming,
  • isolation,
  • sexual assault,
  • sexual coercion, and
  • stalking.

Posters represent diversity of racial/ethnic backgrounds and both...

  • Curriculums
  • Bystanders
  • Healthy Relationships
External Website

WholeSomeBodies is a curriculum for adults who have children and youth in their lives. Includes a guide for facilitators and a participant workbook with activities and materials to support workshops that address topics such as:

  • etymology and circles of sexuality,
  • sensuality,
  • gender,
  • childhood messages,
  • body image, and
  • media awareness.

Additional material addresses how to have difficult...

  • CSA Prevention
  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Sexuality