Healthy Sexuality

WCSAP Webpage
April, 2022

  • Parents & Caregivers
  • Healthy Sexuality
  • Schools & Campus
Tarjeta Postal
WCSAP Webpage
April, 2022

  • Parents & Caregivers
  • Culturally Specific
  • Latinx
  • Healthy Sexuality
  • Schools & Campus
Sex Positivity as Sexual Violence Prevention
May, 2021

This workshop brings a sex-positive lens to prevention, shifting the goal from consensual transactions to pleasurable play. ­­We will explore mainstream sexual norms — from “foreplay” to fake orgasms — and how they perpetuate a sex-negative, rape culture. In an effort to envision beyond more than simply consent, we will also discuss sexual liberation, lessons learned from BDSM, and what happens when we make good sex our ultimate goal.

  • Prevention
  • Consent
  • Healthy Sexuality
Sex, Desire and Intimacy After Sexual Trauma
February, 2017

"Making Out Like a Virgin: Sex, Desire, and Intimacy After Sexual Trauma" is a collection of essays by survivors who have experienced many different kinds of sexual violence. This book fills an important gap in literature by and for survivors about healing from sexual violence across the lifespan.

Many of the essays explore the experiences survivors have with their sexuality decades after the assault. The authors write about sexuality from a variety of perspectives including essays…

  • Healthy Sexuality
Sexual Health Promotion & Sexual Violence Prevention
April, 2014

In this webinar, participants will learn how to boost and sustain their prevention work by connecting and integrating with existing sexual health education efforts. Violence preventionists can make the most of current national research, the Washington Healthy Youth Act, and Washington Department of Health Guidelines. We will discuss best practices related to STD and teen pregnancy prevention and sexual violence prevention. Preventionists will leave this webinar being able to make the case…

  • CSA Prevention
  • Healthy Sexuality
  • Schools & Campus
WCSAP Webpage
October, 2013

We've spent a lot of time figuring out what the spectrum of sexual violence looks like, but do we have concrete ideas about what the alternative is? Healthy sexuality is a complex and nuanced subject area that allows us to explore the positive, healthy, fulfilling, and violence-free expressions of sexuality.

Infusing healthy sexuality messaging into your work will likely require preparation. Do you know why healthy sexuality is an integral part of our prevention work? How can you…

  • Healthy Sexuality
With Cognitive or Developmental Disabilities
WCSAP Webpage
August, 2012

Healthy sexuality is an important component of preventing sexual violence. Therefore there are several resources that can be incorporated into prevention programs. We know that it is important to deliver prevention programming that is socio-culturally relevant and developmental appropriate. So when working with youth or adults with developmental or cognitive disabilities, finding resources that are tailored to this community may be helpful.

Here are three curricula that focus on…

  • Disability
  • CSA Prevention
  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Sexuality
The Virginity Movement's War Against Women
June, 2012

This documentary is an adaptation of Jessica Valenti's 2009 bestselling book "The Purity Myth: How America's Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women." The documentary, which Valenti co-wrote the documentary with director Jeremy Earp, brings to life her argument by allowing the audience to see the pop-culture examples of the American media's problematical portrayal of women's sexuality.

The book and documentary both build upon Valenti's concept of the "purity myth," which she…

  • Faith Communities
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Sexuality
  • Theory & Concepts
Approaching Sexual Violence Prevention From a Sex Positive Framework
June, 2010

This webinar will incorporate the positive aspects of sexuality education into a sexual violence prevention framework. If we’re working to prevent rape and other forms of sexual violence, we must simultaneously promote healthy sexual interactions. This webinar will address a sex-positive approach to violence prevention, provide a model workshop outline, and explore the challenges of this approach.

  • Healthy Sexuality
External Website

Planned Parenthood of New England has created cognitively accessible curriculum, which includes:

  • 20 lessons with scripts,
  • handouts,
  • detailed pictures, and
  • teaching tools.

Participants will learn about:

  • different relationships,
  • private versus public,
  • communication,
  • decision making,
  • starting romantic relationships,
  • unhealthy…
  • Curriculums
  • Disability
  • Healthy Sexuality
4th Edition
External Website

Unequal Partners includes 50 lesson plans to help adolescents and young adults learn about and explore the dynamics of both healthy and unhealthy relationships.

A trauma-informed perspective helps participants explore sensitive and critical topics, including:

  • communicating about consent,
  • understanding power dynamics,
  • recognizing warning signs,
  • helping a friend, and
  • analyzing media influences.
  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Sexuality
External Website

WholeSomeBodies is a curriculum for adults who have children and youth in their lives. Includes a guide for facilitators and a participant workbook with activities and materials to support workshops that address topics such as:

  • etymology and circles of sexuality,
  • sensuality,
  • gender,
  • childhood messages,
  • body image, and
  • media awareness.

Additional material addresses how to have difficult…

  • CSA Prevention
  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Sexuality
Family Life and Sexual Health (2009-2016)
External Website

The King County Public Health Department created this comprehensive sexuality education and violence prevention curriculum. Students are exposed to developmentally appropriate and medically accurate information.


  • healthy sexuality,
  • body image,
  • gender role norms,
  • media literacy,
  • communication,
  • LGBTQ youth experiences,
  • self-esteem,
  • decision-making, and
  • healthy…
  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Sexuality
External Website

The Unitarian Universalist Association created this secular curriculum to help participants make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior. It equips participants with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas:

  • human development,
  • relationships,
  • personal skills,
  • sexual behavior,
  • sexual health, and
  • society and culture.

Each volume contains different…

  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Sexuality
External Website

This is the religious education companion series to the curricula Our Whole Lives (OWL). The Sexuality and Our Faith series introduces explicitly UU and UCC material to the sexuality education programs in their congregations. Includes a companion book for each age-appropriate volume of OWL.

  • Curriculums
  • Culturally Specific
  • Healthy Sexuality
External Website

A teaching resource from the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, with activities exploring:

  • relationships,
  • sexual consent,
  • equity and
  • sexual and reproductive health.

Curriculum includes:

  • topic talking points,
  • activities,
  • videos,
  • handouts, and
  • evaluation tools.
  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Sexuality