Tips & Guides

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With Cognitive or Developmental Disabilities
WCSAP Webpage
August, 2012

Healthy sexuality is an important component of preventing sexual violence. Therefore there are several resources that can be incorporated into prevention programs. We know that it is important to deliver prevention programming that is socio-culturally relevant and developmental appropriate. So when working with youth or adults with developmental or cognitive disabilities, finding resources that are tailored to this community may be helpful.

Here are three curricula that focus on…

  • Disability
  • CSA Prevention
  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Sexuality
And Resources for CSA Advocates and Therapists
WCSAP Webpage
June, 2012

Your work with parents is invaluable to the healing of child and teen survivors, families, and communities. Many programs have contacted WCSAP to inquire about resources and curricula for facilitating psychoeducational support groups for nonoffending parents and caregivers of children who have been sexually abused.

This guide includes:

  • considerations for facilitators,
  • a complete 8-week curriculum,…
  • Parents & Caregivers
  • Support Groups
WCSAP Webpage
June, 2012

As a Community Sexual Assault Program manager, you are subject to a formal evaluation process by your supervisor, whether that is the Board, an Executive Director (if you do not also fill that role), or someone else. However, most of us really want to know how we are doing at our jobs — and for managers, that means getting feedback from those who are supervised as well as those who supervise us. How do you get feedback from your staff in an appropriate manner without having them feel like…

  • Supervision
A Guide to Psychoeducational Support Groups for Nonoffending Parents and Caregivers of Children Who Have Been Sexually Abused
PDF & Printed Materials
June, 2012

This Guide is a supplement to the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs' (WCSAP) general guide to psychoeducational support groups, Circle of Hope. Circle of Hope provides information about the nature of psychoeducational groups and how they differ from self-help and therapy groups. In addition, there is general…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Parents & Caregivers
  • Support Groups
Nonabused Siblings of Children Who Have Been Abused
WCSAP Webpage
May, 2012

Including siblings in treatment permits families to realize the maximum benefits of therapy for the victim as well as each family member.

—Baker, Tanis, & Rice, 2001

A child can't help being affected in some way by the sexual abuse of a brother or sister, but siblings' needs are often overlooked.

Nonabused children whose siblings have been abused may have to deal with:

  • confusion because adults do not…
  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Therapy
WCSAP Webpage
March, 2012

Twitter is a social networking tool that allows people to share short messages instantly. Messages are called Tweets and must be equal to or less than 140 characters. You can easily share information and see what others share.

Read Twitter 101 to get started!

Using Twitter

It's up to each…

  • Media Literacy & Technology
WCSAP Webpage
March, 2012

The annual performance review can be an excellent opportunity to work individually with staff members to enhance their skills and abilities as well as their job satisfaction. Some managers (and some employees) dread performance reviews, seeing them as the venue for telling unwelcome truths. Done properly, however, these meetings can enhance your relationships with staff and volunteers.

  • There should not be any surprises. Performance problems should be…
  • Supervision
WCSAP Webpage
January, 2012

Prevention work can be rewarding but also challenging. We want to help to facilitate positive social change within our communities but sometimes we run into obstacles or aren't sure we're making an impact. How can we stay motivated to do this work?

Feel enthused, refreshed, and appreciated!

Talk to other prevention folks!
Fight isolation by building relationships with others working to end sexual violence. Chat about…
  • Strategies
WCSAP Webpage
January, 2012

Ending sexual violence in our communities takes all of us. Involving boys and men in our prevention work can benefit the prevention field, men, and the community. Here are a few considerations and resources to use when engaging men in prevention.

Why engage men in prevention?

These are just a few reasons — challenge yourself to come up with more & then put them to action!

  • While the majority of sexual violence is committed by men…
  • Gender Specific
WCSAP Webpage
January, 2012

We know that our community members receive a lot of information about health, wellness, safety, and other public health issues. How do we make our message about the importance of sexual violence prevention really stick? How do we motivate them to choose the healthy, non-violent attitudes and behaviors? The way in which we convey our messages in person, through resource materials, and with media are all important.

Communication that leads to action

There are many approaches…

  • Program Design