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Jewish Women International created a 6-session, 12-hour program to promote a healthy sense of dating, friendship, and self-esteem for young women within a Jewish context.

Participants are encouraged to explore these concepts through group discussions and individual writing exercises.

  • Curriculums
  • Culturally Specific
  • Gender Specific
  • Healthy Relationships
WCSAP Webpage

Commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) and youth, commonly known as sex trafficking, is a type of sexual violence that occurs when minors are forced, tricked or coerced into sexual activity for commercial exchange. Commercial exchange could include payment in the form of money, or anything of value to the youth (food, drugs, clothes, a place to sleep, social acceptance). Commercial sexual exploitation affects youth of all genders, sexual orientations, economic classes, races, and…

  • Trafficking & CSEC
External Website

This book prepares adults for working with young people by providing a theoretical framework for violence prevention work along with exercises in being effective allies to youth. Workshop guidelines and outlines are included for facilitating discussion and sharing around sensitive topics of oppression, the "isms" — racism, sexism, adultism — as well as gender issues, immigration, religion, ability and access.

  • Curriculums
  • Root Causes
External Website

This is the religious education companion series to the curricula Our Whole Lives (OWL). The Sexuality and Our Faith series introduces explicitly UU and UCC material to the sexuality education programs in their congregations. Includes a companion book for each age-appropriate volume of OWL.

  • Curriculums
  • Culturally Specific
  • Healthy Sexuality
WCSAP Webpage

A question often posed to us is, "how much do I try to get a child to talk about their sexual abuse?"

We are all operating under the mandate of "do no harm." When working with a child who is not spontaneously engaging in trauma exposure, how do we know when trauma exposure is indicated and how do we go about engaging the child? What about the possibility we may further traumatize, further ingrain trauma responses, or create new trauma pathways? What about colluding with trauma…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Trauma
External Website

The curriculum focuses on both tribal community members and those working with the community as educators, social workers, judges, etc. Appropriate for both native and non-native audiences. Intended to encourage healthy relationships and the identification of sexual and intimate partner violence.

  • Curriculums
  • Culturally Specific
  • Gender Specific
  • Healthy Relationships
WCSAP Webpage

WCSAP provides technical assistance on nonprofit management and organizational development issues to WCSAP member programs, other allied organizations, and statewide sexual assault coalitions across the nation. WCSAP strives to build the capacity of organizations to operate effectively to prevent sexual violence and to serve all victims. We provide specific technical assistance to help Community Sexual Assault Programs in Washington State to meet the accreditation requirements of the Office…

  • Management
Of Legal Terms
WCSAP Webpage
When a jury or court finds the defendant "not guilty," the defendant is "acquitted."
Usually someone trained in sexual assault and legal issues who offers support and assistance to sexual assault survivors. An advocate may work for the prosecutor or at a community based agency.
A sworn statement of the facts as you know them to be.
Not named or identified
  • Legal Advocacy
External Website

A bilingual curriculum put together by the Migrant Clinicians Network which lasts 5 two-hour weekly sessions and focuses on preventing intimate partner and sexual violence within migrant communities. This curriculum uses a culturally appropriate, popular education style.

  • Curriculums
  • Bystanders
  • Culturally Specific
  • Gender Specific
  • Healthy Relationships