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WCSAP Webpage
February, 2013

Prevention requires building lasting, meaningful relationships with your community. The below list, taken from Community Building: What Makes It Work, describes some of the key skills required in facilitators.

Understanding the Community
Successful community building efforts tend to have organizers who have a thorough understanding of the culture, social structure, demographics, political structure, and issues in the community.
  • Program Design
March, 2013

Statistics can help people who are not familiar with an issue to understand it better. In the case of statistics about sexual violence, they can help community members, allied professional partners, and funders understand

  1. how big the problem is,
  2. how sexual violence impacts society as a whole rather than just individuals and families,
  3. and why sexual assault advocates are necessary.

It is important to use statistics correctly…

  • Theory & Concepts
WCSAP Webpage
March, 2013

Trauma can profoundly affect children's development. In an article highlighted on the website Zero to Three (National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families), Dr. Theodore Gaensbauer discusses the "Developmental and Therapeutic Aspects of Treating Infants and Toddlers Who Have Witnessed Violence." Dr. Gaensbauer's framework for understanding how trauma affects children has even wider significance, applying to older children and to those affected…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Trauma
A Family-Based Teen Dating Violence Abuse Prevention Program
March, 2013

Foshee, V. et all (2012). Journal of Adolescent Health.

Often when we think about teen dating abuse prevention programs, we think of programs delivered in a school setting. Moreover, we may even think specifically of the curriculum Safe Dates, as it is one of the only evidence-based teen dating abuse prevention curricula. However, the Families for Safe Dates program combined components of the Safe Dates curriculum with additional activities and presents them in a very new format: at…

  • Parents & Caregivers
  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Relationships
When Providing Sexual Assault Advocacy Services to Minors
April, 2013

Confidentiality is the cornerstone of advocacy. While the basic principles of maintaining respect and privacy apply to survivors of all ages, consent and confidentiality issues become especially important and a bit more complex when the survivor is under the age of 18. By providing some clarity around these complexities, our hope is to ultimately increase minors' access to and utilization of advocacy services. Some of the issues that must be considered when working with minors are:

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Confidentiality & Privilege
April, 2013

This Guide is a supplement to the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs' (WCSAP) general guide to psychoeducational support groups, Circle of Hope. Circle of Hope provides information about the nature of psychoeducational groups and how they differ from self-help and therapy groups. In addition, there is general…

  • Support Groups
How to keep Psychoeducational Support Group Members Coming Back
April, 2013

This webinar will be focused on techniques and suggestions for building in community and participant retention. Psycho-educational support groups create a community in which members offer and receive support, validation, connection, healing and hope. Community requires commitment and connection, but maintaining group attendance after the first couple of weeks can be a challenge.

How frustrating is it to start out with a group of 10 committed group members and watch the number dwindle…

  • Support Groups
A Report of the Transgender Discrimination Survey
May, 2013

Based on data from the first-of-its-kind national survey, this report reveals devastating statistics about the frequency of blatant discrimination and outright violence against transgender people in schools, the workplace, healthcare, the criminal justice system, and social services.

The report also paints a picture of the incredible resiliency and strength of individuals, their families, and the community. Despite pervasive and repeated bias, discrimination, and violence, survey…

June, 2013

We know that young people are digital natives — they have grown up in a world where technology is incorporated into their lives. So what does this mean for prevention work? In this webinar we will highlight research dealing with youth and technology, examine some common statistics regarding youth safety online, and present various methods of incorporating digital safety into primary prevention work.

  • Media Literacy & Technology
WCSAP Webpage
June, 2013

Posters campaigns can be a great way to raise awareness and when used in conjunction with other activities may be part of a more comprehensive prevention project. Here are some examples of poster campaigns that are either pro-active about stopping sexual & dating violence or promote positive messaging and environments.

The Red Flag Campaign

  • Designed by the Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance for college campuses. The poster…
  • Strategies