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Making Connections With Advocacy and the Experiences of Survivors
January, 2016

Diversity, non-discrimination, cultural competency, anti-oppression, & social justice are not synonyms — they are not words that replace one another, nor are they words that connote the same meaning or the same type of interaction.

As advocates and preventionists, it is vital that we take into account power relations and oppression. Advocating on behalf of survivors and being an ally includes thinking about services, survivors, and yourself in terms of diversity, non-…

  • Anti-Oppression
  • Theory & Concepts
WCSAP Webpage
January, 2016

All people need to be able to use the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity. This is a safety issue that arises for transgender people in places that are open to the public like gyms, restaurants, and retail stores. A unique issue for transgender youth is safe access to restrooms and locker rooms at school. According to the National Center for Transgender Equality:

…59% of trans students have…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
Part 1
WCSAP Webpage
February, 2016

Many young people feel being pressured into having sex or participating in a sexual act before one feels entirely ready is a normal part of growing up; this is especially true if they have received little to no healthy relationship and sex education. However, we know this is a form of sexual violence and advocates working with youth have a unique opportunity to debunk this myth. Every person has complete control over their body and choice with whom and when they decide to hug, kiss, have sex…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • IPSV
  • CSA Prevention
WCSAP Webpage
February, 2016

At WCSAP we are always working to support programs. Sometimes that means taking time to stop and recognize the amazing work that’s being done and the strength, compassion, and drive it takes for advocates to provide ongoing services.

Recognizing Staff

Programs are generally really good at recognizing volunteers and contributors but sometimes they lose sight of those providing the services. Taking the time to genuinely show appreciation has proven to increase productivity,…

  • Supervision
WCSAP Webpage
March, 2016

The Office for Victims of Crimes (OVC) has recently released two free resources that should be helpful to community sexual assault program managers:

  • Confidentiality & Privilege
  • Management
WCSAP Webpage
March, 2016

The Office for Victims of Crimes (OVC) has recently released two free resources that should be helpful to community sexual assault program managers:

  • Supervision
WCSAP Webpage
April, 2016

Washington State has 37 accredited community based advocacy agencies serving each county, as well as many community based by and for community specific advocacy agencies. Some counties also have system based advocacy; many ask why have both and what are the differences? It is crucial for system partners, advocates and communities to understand the importance of the differences, and it is our role as community based sexual assault advocacy agencies to be able to clearly communicate this to…

  • Program Provision
  • Theory & Concepts
Without Inflicting Trauma on Others
WCSAP Webpage
May, 2016

As advocates in the Anti-Sexual Violence Movement, we are all too familiar with the term and impacts of vicarious trauma. How then do we relieve ourselves of the imprints that a survivor’s story leaves on us? An important way of coping with the intensity of the work is to first acknowledge that it WILL affect you.

In an organization plagued with policies and procedures sometimes we forget to implement “practices.” A few practices to consider are:

  • Trauma
  • Supervision
June, 2016

As sexual assault advocates, we seek to provide thoughtful, client-centered services to a survivor left vulnerable and traumatized after they have experienced sexual violence.

But what do you do when the client may feel difficult to work with because of their own personality or background?
How do you advocate for a nonresponsive client, a client with cognitive disabilities, or a client who is in constant chaos?

In this webinar, we will look at common client scenarios…

  • Disability
  • Training Tools
A Guide to Psychoeducational Support Groups for Latin@ Survivors of Sexual Violence
PDF & Printed Materials
June, 2016

The Circle of Hope "Latin@ Support Group Guide" is intended to provide a basic outline for support group facilitators that are seeking to establish or enhance sexual assault support groups for adult Latin@ survivors in Washington State.

Recognizing the expertise current facilitators have working with Latin@ survivors and also acknowledging the need for new facilitators to obtain a basic foundation to build upon, this guide provides generalized guidelines for structuring, marketing,…

  • Culturally Specific
  • Latinx
  • Support Groups