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June, 2020

This workshop will explore tips and tricks for more digitally focused prevention. This may be especially helpful as prevention plans are adjusted in response to current social distancing but will also provide valuable approaches to keep in your toolbox going forward.

Presenters will share and discuss several tools to use while engaging in prevention efforts virtually, including digital art practices and engaging and accessible online facilitation.  Participants will also have…

  • Media Literacy & Technology
Resource Packet
June, 2020

Our mental and physical health are interwoven and connected and as such trauma is stored in both our brains and our bodies. Both can be impacted by healing touch. These recourse are created to be shared with survivors. The following packet includes:

  • A guide to recognizing trauma in the body
  • A guide to self care for trauma stored in the body
  • A guide for finding a trauma-informed practitioner of body work
  • A zip file with Instagram (4) and Facebook (4…
  • Trauma
June, 2020

In this workshop, we will cover the basics about the neurobiology of trauma, how trauma stores in the body, and how bodywork can be an important part of ongoing care after the initial crisis. Specifically, we will discuss the “freeze” response: a nearly universal trauma response that saves us in the short term, and can also create long term physical holding and chronic pain. Bodywork can be an incredibly effective modality for addressing the freeze response, healing trauma in general, and…

  • Trauma
Understanding prevention through fun & games
June, 2020

Enjoy this 11-page activity packet of prevention-themed coloring pages, jumbles, crosswords, and more. Color your own social ecological model! Solve the joyful sexuality word scrambles!

  • Guides & Activities
The Movement to End Sexual Violence (Advocate Core)
July, 2020

This recorded webinar is an overview of the history of activism to end sexual violence, the development of rape crisis services, and the shifts of culture toward intolerance of sexual assault. 

  • Training Tools
Part 1: Language Matters
WCSAP Webpage
August, 2020

Messaging sexual violence prevention is such an important part of our overall strategy. However, it can be tricky to create a compelling and optimistic pitch for prevention that will reach a broad audience, while also navigating deeply embedded rape myths & victim blaming. That’s why there’s a lot of research about how people hear our messages and what can support greater behavior change. It’s clear that the ways in which we communicate about sexual violence and prevention really matters…

  • Best Practices
  • Program Design
September, 2020

In this webinar, presenters Claire Tierney and Wesley Jones of the ARC of King County will teach about:

  • IDD and Autism
  • How trauma presents for autistic people and people with IDD,
  • How to support autistic people and people with IDD with trauma histories, and
  • Community resources that exist to support these populations and providers
  • Disability
  • Trauma
Evaluating Community-Level Prevention: Key Ideas and Concerns
September, 2020

Part 2: Evaluating Community-Level Prevention: Key Ideas and Concerns

As we continue to increase our focus on community-level prevention work, many prevention workers find themselves struggling to apply what they know about program evaluation to those efforts. While the same general principles apply to evaluating all kinds of prevention efforts, there are also specific considerations for evaluating community-level interventions. In this workshop we will consider concerns specific…

  • Prevention
A Quick Overview and Brainstorming Template
September, 2020

These worksheets support your efforts in planning to conduct evaluation of community-level primary prevention. In addition, this packet contains additional resources, examples, and Tips & Considerations.

  • Program Design
Remote Supervision
September, 2020

As we continue working during this global pandemic, employees and supervisors are adjusting to working from home — some of us for the first time in our careers. We’re accustomed to walking down the hall to speak with our co-workers, but now we must rely on Zoom, Slack, Google Drive, and a host of other virtual tools and resources that help us stay connected but force us to learn new ways to do our jobs.

Despite all of these challenges, our critical services and the relationships we’…

  • Supervision