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Facilitating with Confidence
October, 2020

As advocates we help survivors navigate responses to trauma on a daily basis. We are used to working with survivors one-on-one to deal with responses like anger, disassociation, anxiety, fear, guilt, difficulty concentrating, and low self-esteem. However, when these same responses show up in the midst of a support group it can feel challenging.

This 90-minute training will address ways to not only support survivors experiencing trauma responses during group sessions, but to plan for…

  • Trauma
  • Support Groups
An Informational Overview for Advocates
October, 2020

Washington State law enforcement officers who regularly conduct adult sexual assault investigations are mandated (by RCW 101.43.272) to attend a 3-day trauma-informed, victim-centered interview training offered by the Criminal Justice Training Commission ( In this course, Sexual Assault Investigations — Victim-Centered Engagement and Resiliency Tactics…

  • Trauma
  • Criminal Justice Process
A Handout on Sexual Assault Crime Victim's Rights
October, 2020

In Washington State, sexual assault crime victims have certain rights. These are enumerated in the handout which can be downloaded and provided to survivors. 

Go to Spanish version.

  • Legal Advocacy
Spanish Version Handout
November, 2020

In Washington State, sexual assault crime victims have certain rights. These are enumerated in the handout which has been translated to Spanish can be downloaded and provided to survivors.

Go to English version.

  • Legal Advocacy
Working with Families
December, 2020

Sibling sexual abuse impacts families in multiple ways, and working with parents to manage the impact of this is challenging. This webinar offers education on sibling sexual abuse, the typical systemic response to it, and ideas for how to increase the safety of the victim, who often must remain living with the perpetrator.

  • Child Sexual Abuse
for Sexual Assault Survivors
February, 2021

This webinar discusses a trauma-informed, whole-person approach to legal advocacy. It covers civil legal options available to sexual assault survivors in Washington State including protection orders, housing rights, small claims, immigration, Title IX, and employment rights.

  • Civil Legal System
February, 2021

Vicarious trauma is a consequence of working within the field of sexual assault and domestic violence. Research shows that it impacts most practitioners at some point in their careers, yet few organizations have policies in place to prevent or mitigate its negative effects. In this training you will learn about factors that contribute to vicarious trauma, how it can impact staff members, and how to create supportive practices to address the vicarious trauma needs within your organization…

  • Trauma
  • Supervision
Grounding and Anxiety Management with Young Children Series: Part 1 of 3
March, 2021

As we continue slogging through the “new normal” dictated by the ongoing pandemic, it is expected and natural that both parents and children are struggling with increased anxiety. This can be made worse by a forced lack of privacy such as, the whole family trying to work from home and/or do online schooling while in one enclosed space. In situations like these, additional tools for support are super useful. We will be focusing on a few coping strategies that are simple enough that even very…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
Grounding and Anxiety Management with Young Children Series: Part 2 of 3
April, 2021

Welcome to the second installment in our 3-part series on grounding and anxiety management with young children! In this series we are focusing on simple, fun, and helpful activities that you can teach anyone in your family, including young children, to help them cope with stressors and anxiety. For our second activity, we will be learning how to make a "Worry Box".

Worry Box
Create a fun, bonding experience with your child by teaching them how to cope and deal with worries and…

  • Child Sexual Abuse
  • Parents & Caregivers
  • Training Tools
  • Guides & Activities
  • Awareness Raising
In Their Own Words
PDF & Printed Materials
April, 2021

The articles and interviews in this issue of "Connections" center First Peoples' healing work to address sexual violence and survive colonization.

  • Native Americans