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External Website

The curriculum focuses on both tribal community members and those working with the community as educators, social workers, judges, etc. Appropriate for both native and non-native audiences. Intended to encourage healthy relationships and the identification of sexual and intimate partner violence.

  • Curriculums
  • Culturally Specific
  • Gender Specific
  • Healthy Relationships
WCSAP Webpage

WCSAP provides technical assistance on nonprofit management and organizational development issues to WCSAP member programs, other allied organizations, and statewide sexual assault coalitions across the nation. WCSAP strives to build the capacity of organizations to operate effectively to prevent sexual violence and to serve all victims. We provide specific technical assistance to help Community Sexual Assault Programs in Washington State to meet the accreditation requirements of the Office…

  • Management
Of Legal Terms
WCSAP Webpage
When a jury or court finds the defendant "not guilty," the defendant is "acquitted."
Usually someone trained in sexual assault and legal issues who offers support and assistance to sexual assault survivors. An advocate may work for the prosecutor or at a community based agency.
A sworn statement of the facts as you know them to be.
Not named or identified
  • Legal Advocacy
WCSAP Webpage

Help for incarcerated victims in Washington State

Are you an inmate calling from a Washington prison, jail, or work release program or calling on behalf of an inmate?

This is the ONLY number inmates can call that won't be recorded and is guaranteed to be confidential: (855) 210-2087

In Washington State, there is a Sexual Assault Support and Information Line that is operated by an independent agency outside of the Department of Corrections.

  • Incarcerated Survivors
A Guide to Psychoeducational Support Groups for Latin@ Survivors of Sexual Violence
PDF & Printed Materials
June, 2016

The Circle of Hope "Latin@ Support Group Guide" is intended to provide a basic outline for support group facilitators that are seeking to establish or enhance sexual assault support groups for adult Latin@ survivors in Washington State.

Recognizing the expertise current facilitators have working with Latin@ survivors and also acknowledging the need for new facilitators to obtain a basic foundation to build upon, this guide provides generalized guidelines for structuring, marketing,…

  • Culturally Specific
  • Latinx
  • Support Groups
External Website

A bilingual curriculum put together by the Migrant Clinicians Network which lasts 5 two-hour weekly sessions and focuses on preventing intimate partner and sexual violence within migrant communities. This curriculum uses a culturally appropriate, popular education style.

  • Curriculums
  • Bystanders
  • Culturally Specific
  • Gender Specific
  • Healthy Relationships
Sexual Assault Protection Order
WCSAP Webpage

A sexual assault protection order is a civil order issued by the court on behalf of a sexual assault victim. The order can require the alleged perpetrator to stay away from the victim or place(s) where the victim lives or works and to have no further contact with the victim.

Any person 16 or older who is a victim of sexual assault - including a single incident - may petition the court to obtain the order. Victims under…

  • SAPO
External Website

A teaching resource from the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, with activities exploring:

  • relationships,
  • sexual consent,
  • equity and
  • sexual and reproductive health.

Curriculum includes:

  • topic talking points,
  • activities,
  • videos,
  • handouts, and
  • evaluation tools.
  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Sexuality
4th Edition
External Website

Unequal Partners includes 50 lesson plans to help adolescents and young adults learn about and explore the dynamics of both healthy and unhealthy relationships.

A trauma-informed perspective helps participants explore sensitive and critical topics, including:

  • communicating about consent,
  • understanding power dynamics,
  • recognizing warning signs,
  • helping a friend, and
  • analyzing media influences.
  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Sexuality
WCSAP Webpage

Community Sexual Assault Programs (CSAPs) in Washington State receive their funding through the Office of Crime Victims Advocacy (OCVA). Every four years, each CSAP undergoes a rigorous accreditation process, whereby they are audited by an outside agency to ensure that sexual assault survivors have access to quality services across the state.

OCVA is responsible…

  • Accreditation
For Advocates
WCSAP Webpage

Please review these organizations' websites and inform yourself about their specific services, to ensure that the referrals you provide to survivors are appropriate. If a survivor you are working with has a legal need that cannot be addressed by these organizations, please contact WCSAP for technical assistance and to connect with other legal service providers and technical assistance providers.

In Washington:

  • Legal Advocacy
Advocacy Considerations
WCSAP Webpage

What Survivors Face

According to the Washington State Department of Health (2010),

  • 10% of women reported physical, psychological, or sexual abuse by an intimate partner around the time of pregnancy.
  • Nearly 22% of teens (ages 15-19) report experiencing physical, psychological, or sexual abuse around the time of pregnancy.

When a woman has undergone sexual assault, intimate partner violence, or stalking, it may have a profound…

  • Pregnant & Parenting
External Website

Agent of Change is an online game which allows users to choose their reactions, creating pathways and customizing situations to the specific questions and needs of the student. Agent of Change addresses many forms of violence, and includes diverse characters. Continuously updated with student pre- and post- test data.

  • Curriculums
  • Bystanders
  • Healthy Relationships
External Website

Intended to reduce instances of violence among diverse groups of youth by focusing on healthy relationship skills and bystander accountability. Developed and implemented in Los Angeles by Peace Over Violence.

  • Curriculums
  • Bystanders
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Root Causes
Advocacy with Survivors
WCSAP Webpage

One way that we can continue to ensure that our work with survivors continues to build momentum throughout our lifespan is to offer information, resources and support that centers on all the ways survivorship can complicate tending to a survivor’s health or moving through the healthcare system. Annual exams, dentist appointments, abortions, STI testing and childbirth can be triggering and a supportive advocate can make a huge difference.

Advocates can work with survivors to create…

  • Medical Advocacy
External Website

Public awareness campaign created by the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance. Encourages bystanders to intervene when they witness peers in dating or sexual violence situations. The posters address:

  • emotional abuse,
  • jealousy,
  • victim blaming,
  • isolation,
  • sexual assault,
  • sexual coercion, and
  • stalking.

Posters represent diversity of racial/ethnic backgrounds and both…

  • Curriculums
  • Bystanders
  • Healthy Relationships
External Website

WholeSomeBodies is a curriculum for adults who have children and youth in their lives. Includes a guide for facilitators and a participant workbook with activities and materials to support workshops that address topics such as:

  • etymology and circles of sexuality,
  • sensuality,
  • gender,
  • childhood messages,
  • body image, and
  • media awareness.

Additional material addresses how to have difficult…

  • CSA Prevention
  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Healthy Sexuality
WCSAP Webpage

Over the last few years The White House has taken actions to call attention to the scope of campus sexual violence, provide guidance to schools on how to effectively respond when violence has occurred, improve Title IX enforcement, and prevent campus sexual assault.

The White House and partners have used many avenues such as launching a resource website and large-scale public awareness campaigns to start the conversation in communities. Additionally, The White House worked with the…

  • Campus
  • Schools & Campus
Advocacy Considerations
WCSAP Webpage

Latinx immigrant and refugee survivors have unique advocacy needs. They may have had experiences, such as border crossing or anti-immigrant political rhetoric, that affect their sense of safety and security. It may be more difficult for these survivors to obtain services because of language barriers as well as cultural norms and beliefs. Advocacy efforts must address these barriers to ensure all survivors have access to services. The following information is intended for advocates who work…

  • Latinx
External Website

This guide (unCurriculum) was created by the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance. Includes: Facilitator’s introduction and 6 units;

  1. Positive Personal Development,
  2. Addressing Teen Dating Violence,
  3. Addressing Sexual Harassment with Teens,
  4. Addressing Sexual Violence with Teens,
  5. Exploring Gender Sexuality and Power, and
  6. Promoting Healthy Relationships.
  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Relationships
External Website

Liverespect is a 9-session curriculum from A Call to Men designed to help mentors educate and encourage young men to examine their attitudes and beliefs about masculinity.

  • Curriculums
  • Gender Specific
  • Healthy Relationships
WCSAP Webpage

Bystander intervention is an essential component in preventing sexual violence. It may be helpful to have conversations with groups in your community about effective intervention, take time to address the fears and concerns that they may have, and also highlight the positive effects bystander intervention has on the community.

  1. What are some reasons that we don't intervene when we see someone harassing or disrespecting another person?
    • Have you ever…
  • Bystanders
External Website

Safe Dates consists of a 10-session curriculum, play, parent materials, and posters.

Students discuss:

  • healthy relationships,
  • red flags,
  • helping friends,
  • gender stereotypes, and
  • sexual assault.

This is an evidence-based program that has had long-term outcomes measured in its effectiveness in preventing teen dating violence.

Part of the…

  • Curriculums
  • Healthy Relationships
External Website

This 26-session curriculum, created by Paul Kivel and Allan Creighton, address:

  • gender norms,
  • power and control,
  • homophobia,
  • racism,
  • sexism, and
  • other factors that contribute to gender-based violence.

Young men are given tools to create healthy relationships through group discussions, activities, and videos.

The website provides facilitators with tips on how to incorporate into school…

  • Curriculums
  • Gender Specific
  • Healthy Relationships
WCSAP Webpage

The criminal legal system is designed to punish the wrongdoer. This is a process that involves multiple steps that can take up to a year or more to complete.

A police report is made or child/adult protective services report is made. Reports to police are reviewed by detectives. Sometimes they will want more information, other times they will conclude there is enough information. On both occasions they may want to interview the victim.…
  • Criminal Justice Process