Nikki Finkbonner

Nikki Finkbonner headshot

Nikki Finkbonner

Public Policy Coordinator

WomenSpirit Coalition

Lummi Member/Klamath descendant. Engaged to my best friend and love of my life John. Proud mother/grandmother of 22. Love watching all sports with my family but biggest fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers!

I have over 25 years of extensive, progressive and successful leadership in the tribal government.

I’m currently working for WomenSpirit Coalition as the Public Policy Coordinator. Developing and sustaining advocacy to create and encourage a social, political, and economic environment that fosters tribal communities where the diversity, dignity, and contributions of all are respected and celebrated.

I’m Committed to preserve, promote and protect our Sche lang en (Culture) to empower our people to prosper.


Advocate Core

  • Advocate Core is held 3 times a year
  • At this time, all trainings are virtual, and will be held on Zoom

Therapist Core

  • Therapist Core is held twice a year
  • At this time, all trainings are virtual, and will be held on Zoom

Annual Conference

  • Annual Conference is held once a year
  • At this time, all trainings are virtual, and will be held on Zoom

For notifications of the next training